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May 04, 2023 5 min read

If you're consideringraising chickens in your backyard, we’re here to help. Many people are discovering the joys of having a flock of feathered friends in their backyard. Whether you're in it for the fresh eggs or the pleasure of having a pet that will entertain you for hours,raising chickens can be a really fun and rewarding experience. But before you take thepoultry plunge, here are some things to consider.

Remember, at Brookies Rural Traders we stock all of your chicken keeping supplies online and in-store and our knowledgeable staff are always happy to help.


Before investing in pet chickens make sure to answer the following:

Why are you raising them? – Eggs, meat or pleasure?

This is the very first question you should ask yourself. Different breeds of chickens are better suited for different purposes. If you're looking for egg-layers, choose breeds that are known for their egg production. If you're looking for meat birds, you'll want to choose breeds that grow quickly and have good meat quality.

Where will they live?

Chickens need a safe and comfortable place to live. You'll need to have a coop that's big enough to house your flock and provide them with shelter from the elements.

Are you prepared to spend time with your pet chickens?

Chickens require time, care and attention, so you'll need to be prepared to spend time with them every day.

Are you prepared to maintain the coop?

Chickens are messy creatures, and you'll need to clean out their coop regularly, if you don’t take proper care of your chickens or their coop this can lead to an unpleasant odor and mites.

Who will take care of them if you go on holidays?

If you're planning a trip away, you'll need to arrange for someone to take care of your chooks. 

Are you allowed to have chickens – if so, how many?

Before you get chickens, check with your local council to see if there are any restrictions you need to be aware of. If you are allowed to have chickens, find out exactly how many. 


Choosing the right breed

There are many different chicken breeds, each with their own unique characteristics. Here are some of the most popular breeds.

Rhode Island Red – This breed is known for its excellent egg-laying abilities and is a great choice for backyard flocks.

Plymouth Rock – A dual-purpose breed that's good for both egg-laying and meat production.

Leghorn – This breed is known for its high egg production.

Sussex – A gentle breed that's good for both meat and egg production.



Getting Your Chickens

Once you've decided you’re ready to take thepoultry plunge and you know the breed/s you want, it's time to get them. You have a few options, you can start with incubating eggs or buying chicks, pullets, or adult birds.

Incubating eggs – This is the cheapest option but also the most time-consuming.

Buying chicks – This is a popular option as you can watch your chicks grow and develop.

Buying pullets – These are young hens that are almost ready to start laying eggs.

Buying adult birds – This is a good option if you want to start getting eggs right away or you aren’t interested in having chicks. 

If you’re looking to buy chickens or chicks in Brisbane, at Brookies Rural Traders we source our chicks and poultry from reputable breeders so that you can buy chickens locally with confidence. 

How Many Chickens Should I Get?

The number of chickens you should get depends on your goals and the amount of space you have available. Generally, 2-4 chickens is a good starting point for most backyard flocks.

Where Do I Get My Chicks?

You can get chicks from a variety of sources, including us - Brookies Rural Traders located in Brookfield, Queensland.

Preparing the Chicken Coop

Before bringing your chickens home, you'll need to prepare a safe and comfortable living space for them. The coop should provide adequate shelter, space, and protection from the elements and from predators.

A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 2-3 metres squared of floor space per chicken in the coop, with an additional 4-5 metres squared of outdoor space in a run or pen. The coop should also have nesting boxes for egg-laying and roosts for sleeping at night.

Make sure the coop is well-ventilated and provides protection from the elements. During hot weather, chickens may need access to shade or a fan to keep cool. In colder weather, the coop should be insulated and heated if necessary to keep the chickens warm.

Finally, it's important to ensure the coop is secure and protected from predators. This can include adding locks to doors and windows, burying wire mesh around the perimeter, and using motion-activated lights or alarms to deter predators.



How to Raise Chicks

Raising chicks can be lots of fun, but it's important to understand that they will require lots of time, care, attention and maintenance. 

A brooding box is an essential when raising chicks. This can be a plastic container or a cardboard box lined with bedding material such as straw or wood shavings. Make sure the brooding box is large enough for the chicks to move around freely and has a heat source such as apoultry heat lamp to keep them warm. We stock a range of heat lamps, so talk to us about which one is right for you.

Chicks also need access to food and water at all times. Use achick feeder andchicken waterer to ensure they have a steady supply of fresh food and water. It's important to usechick-specific feed like chic starter, as it contains the right balance of nutrients for growing chicks. 

Hygiene is also important when raising chicks. Keep the brooding box clean and dry, and change thebedding material frequently - we find wood shavings to be affordable and easy to use for chicks. Chickens can be messy, so be prepared to clean up droppings and spilled feed regularly.

As the chicks grow, they will become more active and will eventually need to move to a larger living space such as a chicken coop or run. Introduce them slowly to their new environment, and make sure they have access to food, water, and shelter at all times.


If you’re consideringraising chickens and you would like to speak to us about your options, chat with us over thephone or come in-store. We can help you throughout the entire process and ensure you’re prepared for yourpoultry journey.